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The problem with a business plan is you don’t stick to it. They are too difficult, they become imposing problems, they stay on the shelf, they eventually talk you out of using them. Around 20% of businesses have them, and half of those don’t refer to them.

This one page Simple 90 day Business Plan is one you can hang up on the wall, put it on your phone or ipad and Live By It. Whether you are a one man show or big company, it is time to start planning and enjoying your business again.


This is your first Simple 90 Day Business Plan. I will publish your next one soon. The beauty of this plan is that it doesn’t encompass everything you are going to do this year. For example, we look at your Strengths and Weaknesses in the SWOT section, but don’t look at Opportunities and Threats. That is for a future plan.

The legend is self explanatory:

SWOT is the Analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats in your business. Here we only look at Strengths and Weaknesses. Spend your time capitalising on your strengths. Do something to plug the gaps caused by your weaknesses, by employing or outsourcing to obtain a fix.

TEAM is activities for your team, usually fun but certainly morale building

REGULAR refers to the activities that should start to become habitual in your business. Get the power of habit working for you. The regular ones will be in all future business plans that I publish.

PROJECT is an opportunity for you to start a new initiative. In this plan, there are two – choosing a new marketing initiative and trialling a new productivity tool. You will track the success of these initiatives at the end of the 90 days.

PR refers to activities that create better relations with your key stakeholders and build your brand.

ST PLAN refers to your strategic plan. It is the skeleton of your 90 Day Simple Business Plan. It starts here with declaring where you want to go and declaring objectives. At the end of 90 days you see if you have arrived at where you wanted to be.

COACH is self explanatory. Get one.

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Your comments and feedback welcome. If you appreciate this plan, please like this post. It will encourage me to create more for you

Tony Arena

Owner @ BCI Business Brokers, 30 years of experience in selling businesses

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